a few kicks & punches!

26 05 2010

so our little one is on a roll. A day of kicking & punching me from the inside. It’s only 7 weeks to go & how I can’t wait. As wierd and nice (hmmmm wrong word there) as it feels having something moving around inside, I just can’t wait to meet our little one.

It’s funny & of course natural that everyone keeps asking the same 3 questions….

1. when are you due?

2. do you know the sex?

3. what name have you chosen?

ok so the first two are easy enough to answer but hey we don’t know his name yet & please stop asking. we are close to making up some totally random name & saying that. Oh gosh how funny some people’s reactions could be!

My husband’s mum asks us at least once when ever we see or speak to her. I think she keeps asking just so that she can have towels or some other random baby stuff made up with his name on them. It would be quite funny if she was told a random name & then did get stuff made up. Oh how evil we are. The poor little boy will suffer though ‘cos i am sure he would be asking in years to come  why he has towels etc with some other boys name on them. Lucky for him we would never do this/*

Here’s to the day our little one has a name & people can stop asking us & then ask him!



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